Seattle Public Schools

Elementary Mathematics

Supporting Your Student

Families can support learning at home by:

与学生的老师保持良好的关系. 通过学校、电子邮件、电话和笔记保持联系. Ask your student’s teacher lots of questions.

通过与学生一起练习数学知识来培养他们的程序熟练度.  Just as students should read at home every day, 他们还应该每天在家练习数学. 

帮助你的学生培养数学学习者的特质 Questioning to Learn Strategies.

Promoting effective use of homework time by using Helping Your Child with Homework Brochure and resources below.

Choosea few 以下的策略,并在一年中使用它们. 它们旨在帮助您的孩子提高对数学技能的理解,并培养学习的信心.

  • 提供丰富数学并将其与日常生活联系起来的活动;
    • Talk about how many bowls to put out for dinner
    • Fold napkins in different shapes
    • 当你把杂货放好时,你的孩子会数类似的东西吗
    • Have your child help measure ingredients for recipes
    • Give your child change to count out to pay for small purchases at the store; have older children calculate the change
    • 让你的孩子比较物品的价格,你可以问这样的问题,“Which can of beans costs more?”
    • Allow your child to weigh the fresh produce; have older children calculate the price by multiplying the price per pound by the number of pounds
    • Read the days and dates on a calendar, talk about the number of days in the month, the number of days remaining until a special event, etc.
    • 画一张你家的比例尺地图,确定紧急情况下最好的逃生路线
    • When traveling, 把数字写在格子上,让孩子在看到标牌或车牌上的数字时给格子上色
  • Check your child’s assignment list daily
  • 监督日常工作,了解学习内容
  • 在家使用电脑软件或在线游戏或应用程序来练习数学技能
  • Provide some math activities at home:
    • 每个人掷骰子,加,减,或乘的数字
    • Dice and Money.  每个人掷一个骰子,得到硬币的数量,如点所示. When someone gets five pennies, they trade it in for a nickel, dime, and so forth, until they’re trading for a dollar
    • For two people, give each person 13 cards from a deck of cards, have each person flip a card, 然后让你的孩子决定哪张牌的价值更高,以决定谁赢得这组牌. In a tie, place three additional cards face-down, then turn the last card up; the higher card on that turn wins all the cards. Play until one person has all the cards in the deck
    • Newspapers and Magazines.  Find numbers in print and cut them out, 然后按照正确的顺序把它们粘在一张更大的纸上
    • Keep empty containers, write different prices on them, 然后使用计算器来计算不同商品的价格


  • What color is the wall in the hallway? What color is your math textbook?
  • What is the number on the house across the street?
  • 如果我拿走一个,桌子上还剩下几个东西?
  • How many exits are there from the school building?
  • How many swings are on the playground?
  • 你的孩子有没有在建筑、地毯、地板和衣服上寻找图案.
  • Count orally by twos, fives, or tens
  • Complete connect-the-dot pictures
  • 让你的孩子做一本数字本,每一页都有从1到10的数字. On each page, 让你的孩子用胶水从报纸和杂志上剪下来的图片来说明数字的概念(两只狗, three ducks, or four horses). As your child progresses with number recognition, 他们可以添加到书中,并添加以各种方式使用的数字.
  • 数一数在房子周围找到的物品并配对,判断它们的数量是奇数还是偶数.
  • 在家里,在车里,在排队等着,或者在其他空闲时间复习数学知识.
  • Provide your child with verbal math problems.“Take the number five; add six; multiply by three; subtract three; divide by five. What’s your answer?”Speak slowly at first until your child gets better at solving these mental problems; then speak more quickly.
  • 帮助你的孩子识别标识、报纸和杂志上使用百分比的广告
  • Encourage your child to read nutrition labels. 让他们计算每种食物中蛋白质的百分比吗
  • Fold a sheet of paper in half and have your child draw a shape along the fold; cut out the shape and unfold the paper to see a symmetrical shape.
  • 看看房子周围不同的几何形状, such as triangles, squares, circles, and rectangles
  • Use household items (such as toothpicks, marshmallows, straws, twist-ties, sticks, or paper) to construct shapes
  • 帮助你的孩子认识和识别现实世界中的直角(书角)和平行线(铁轨)。
  • 一起开车时,引导孩子寻找大小和形状相同的物体
  • 教你的孩子在你做饭的时候如何设置厨房计时器.
  • 画一个模拟钟面,时针和分针显示8点钟方向. Ask your child to write the time shown
  • Arrange various objects (books, boxes, and cans) by various size and measurement (length, weight, and volume) attributes. 和你的孩子谈谈他们是如何用比较词排列的,比如更高, shorter, narrower, wider, heaviest, lightest, more, less, about, and same
  • Use a standard measuring tool (a ruler, a tape measure, (或一个尺度)来测量房子里的物体.
  • 准备一个卷尺,一个码尺,一把尺子,一个杯子,一个加仑容器和一个秤. 讨论你和你的孩子可以测量的各种东西
  • Review equivalent names for measurements. For example, “How many cups in a pint?”
  • 鼓励你的孩子把这些词作为整体来使用, halves, thirds, and fourths into his or her everyday life
  • Open a pack of Skittles or M&并制作一个条形图,显示包内每种颜色的数量.
  • 浏览你的科学教科书,找出三个不同类型的图表的例子.
  • Find the coordinates of places on a map.
  • Watch the news for a week, write down the temperatures for each day, then graph the weather temperatures for the week.
  • 跟踪你最喜欢的球队球类比赛的比分, 然后将这些分数在几周内绘制成图表.
  • 让你的孩子列一张永远不可能发生的事情的清单, things that might happen, and things that are sure to happen
  • 鼓励孩子在现实生活中寻找答案:“We have one can of tuna, and we need five. How many more do we need to buy?”
  • Ask questions that involve equal sharing. For example,“Seven children share 49 baseball cards. How many cards does each child get?”
  • 帮助您的孩子查找您所居住的州和城市的人口和土地面积,并将这些数据与其他州和城市的数据进行比较.
  • Visit the web site for the U.S. Bureau of the Census 让你的孩子写三条他或她从网站上学到的有趣的信息.